Six things you need to know about anxiety
A normal part of life
Anxiety is a normal part of life. It can even be useful – worrying about something can help us to work it through in our minds, thinking we might have left the cooker on can encourage us to check and turn it off if necessary.
When it stops being useful
But when it stops being useful there are ways forward. Based on research, anonymised personal experiences and proven self-care tips, here’s 6 things you need to know about anxiety.
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HOMEOPATHY - Summer Remedies
School’s out for summer! Whatever your plans for the holidays, our resident homeopath, Jo Magowan recommends keeping a few remedies close to hand for bumps, bites, burns and more.
Here are her top ten homeopathic first aid remedies for summer.
The number one first-aid remedy! Best known for its healing action for bumps and bruises, Arnica can work wonders to help relieve the pain and swelling after almost any injury. It’s also useful for the shock and trauma associated with accidents, as well as easing sore and aching muscles from over-exertion and sprains that involve bruising, swelling and stiffness. And for anyone braving long-distance air travel this summer, use Arnica to help cope with the effects of jet-lag.
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Words from Within - Soul Writing with Dr. Sarah Walton
Soul Writing is a method of writing from intuition, developed by Dr Sarah Walton when she was recovering from a brain injury in 2004. She now teaches it internationally to unblock her clients’ creativity and unlock their lives. Soul Writing has also helped those clients live soulfully in isolation during the COVID lockdown.
Your soul voice is the voice of creative intuition. Our soul voice is often quiet or silenced by self-judgment. You can learn to trust that voice to guide your writing and life decisions. When you connect to your authentic voice and write down your feelings and imaginative visions, something magical happens. Everyone has an inner voice wanting to be heard. By expressing your soul voice, you move into alignment with your self.
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The Philosophy and practice of Inspirit Way Internal Qigong
The philosophy and practice of Inspirit Way Internal Qigong
Qigong is a Chinese system of physical and spiritual cultivation which can be translated as Vitality Practice. This recent term is used to describe the traditional internal practices known as Internal Alchemy (Nei Dan). This ancient practical spiritual system is based on the Daoist philosophy of the Natural Way (Dao). It was developed over millennia with an aim to benefit health, improve wellness and reveal our spiritual nature.
Inspirit Way Internal Qigong (Shen Dao Nei Qigong) is a collection of traditional practices combined with recent ones specifically formulated for the needs of our times. Out of the many Qigong styles, most of which focus on Martial Arts or Medicine, it is one firmly based on spiritual principles.
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Finding Self-Love through Meditation by Jana Krychtalkova
From my many years of working as a life coach, healer and meditation teacher, I know for sure there is one thing we all need more of and that’s self-love.
Sometimes I wish self-love would be one of the main subjects taught in primary schools and one that you can’t skip - a subject teachers would put as their utmost priority so we would all know how to truly love ourselves.
Self-love is simply good for everyone, as when you truly love yourself you naturally make the right choices for yourself in all areas of your life. The next logical benefit is that it’s only when you truly love yourself that you can truly love another. Life on planet Earth would look very different if the majority of people loved themselves. This is really worth pondering.
Pause for now, take a deep breath and imagine how it would feel to live in such a world…
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Ayurvedic Self-Care - Dot Bowen
Our body orchestrates an infinite number of functions all day long, almost entirely below the level of our conscious awareness. If we had to remember to breathe, pump our blood, digest our food, eliminate toxins, create new cells, regulate our temperature, and maintain the delicate homeostasis of dozens of intricate systems, we wouldn’t survive for very long.
While our body is a miracle of self-regulation, we are much more likely to enjoy health and happiness when we nurture it with love and attention, tuning into what we really need and making choices that nourish our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
In the practice of self-care, Ayurveda offers practical tools and guidance that
help us connect to our body’s wisdom as we expand our experience of health,
self-compassion, and peace of mind
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Crazy Thoughts? Come to your Senses!
Have you ever been driven crazy by your own thoughts?
Our human capacity to think things through has enabled many wonders of our civilization. On an everyday level, if you want to learn a new skill; sort out your finances or plan an event, your capacity for reasoned thought will make this possible. However, thoughts are not the best tool in the box to help solve every life issue. In fact, they can sometimes make situations worse.
Suppose you feel jarred following a tricky conversation with a friend or family member and are ruminating on what they said; what they 'really' meant and so on. Rumination is what cows and other, well - ruminants, do when they repeatedly regurgitate and chew again previously swallowed food. Thoughts too can be regurgitated and 'chewed over' again and again: in fact, many more times than any bit of grass being digested by a sheep or cow.
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Finding Gold in the Shadows by Elizabeth Klyne
Major transformations in our external circumstances are not possible without a major transformation in our internal circumstances. When dealing with stuck, painful, recurring patterns, one of the fastest and most effective ways to resolve internal dynamics is by diving head-first into the shadows of our psyche.
The first part of our adult lives is devoted to building our egos. We are inspired or compelled to show up in particular ways and we work hard to become the person we want to be.
At some point, we may become aware that our values, goals and actions are not aligned with our highest aspirations. Perhaps there are some deep-rooted desires that we have neglected, and only now realise that time is running out, and our focus shifts to reclaiming the aspects of our self-expression that were disowned, abandoned or repressed in order to present to the world what we considered an ‘acceptable’ or ‘appropriate’ persona.
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ANGER ISSUES - A Case Study by Amadis Cammell
The client in this case is fictional, in the sense that he is a composite character derived from several cases with a similar theme of anger issues. The examples given of therapeutic body-centred techniques and psychodrama processes were in fact used at different times with different individuals.
This ‘client’ had a childhood shaped by a neglectful mother and a violent father. His parents had a turbulent relationship which got increasingly fraught, angry and violent. When they divorced he stayed with his mother. She however was preoccupied with new relationships and scarcely gave him any of the care and maternal affection which he craved. He could have gone to live with his father, who had previously provided him with some love and protection, but couldn’t as his father was given to fits of anger often accompanied by violence. To sum up, both his parents’ attitudes and behaviour caused him profound wounding, so much so it convinced him that he had to shield himself and avoid ever making himself vulnerable.
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