Finding Gold in the Shadows by Elizabeth Klyne

Major transformations in our external circumstances are not possible without a major transformation in our internal circumstances. When dealing with stuck, painful, recurring patterns, one of the fastest and most effective ways to resolve internal dynamics is by diving head-first into the shadows of our psyche.

The first part of our adult lives is devoted to building our egos. We are inspired or compelled to show up in particular ways and we work hard to become the person we want to be. 

At some point, we may become aware that our values, goals and actions are not aligned with our highest aspirations. Perhaps there are some deep-rooted desires that we have neglected, and only now realise that time is running out, and our focus shifts to reclaiming the aspects of our self-expression that were disowned, abandoned or repressed in order to present to the world what we considered an ‘acceptable’ or ‘appropriate’ persona.

For example, the cost of being a perpetually ‘nice’ person is the marginalisation of our rage – the very force that powers our passion, commitment and resilience. and the energy that allows us to set boundaries, follow through and produce results. The price of protecting a vulnerable heart is the inability to surrender fully to love and intimacy. Likewise, the cost of working extra hard to justify our success is the incontrovertible knowledge that we are truly worthy exactly as we are.

All of these possibilities, and more, exist in the space between the conscious and the unconscious. In the shadow realm, there is magic: all the aspects of our psyche that we have disowned exist there. These include fear, rage, disappointment, grief as well as the delights that have eluded us for so long, such as joy, satisfaction, confidence, wisdom, compassion, creativity, fun, self-worth and love.

Shadow Work provides a doorway into this realm of infinite possibilities. It is a safe and profoundly effective way of meeting and integrating parts of your being that you have spent your entire life to date rejecting or avoiding. Instead of ignoring or covering up the old scars with positive thinking, you can release the pain and heal the wounds once and for all. You can find power in the darkness, transform your inner critic into your most committed ally, and use the energy you liberate to live life on your own terms.

No matter in which area of life you may feel stuck - money, relationships, career, health and fitness – Shadow Work can liberate your essential nature and fuel your passion for life.

Shadow Work Coaching is a profoundly transformational approach to addressing whatever limits your ability to connect in a healthy way, believe in yourself, speak your truth and shine your light. It can help you reprogramme your ‘internal software’ so that you can meet the world as the person you want to be, free of limiting beliefs and behaviours. Bring your hidden powers of attraction, wisdom, authenticity and authority out of the shadows and Into the light.

Contact Elizabeth on or 07801374589

Will Wheen