Mindfulness Stress Reduction Course

How are you feeling right now?

Do you feel overwhelmed with life and hope that mindfulness will show you how to avoid what feels like an emotional avalanche?

Are you moving through your days in top gear without being able to shift down? Or the reverse, do you feel stuck and unable to gain any motivation to get going?

Has a life event just happened that has made you stop and look at your life and its relentless business?  Have you noticed symptoms of panic, stress, anxiety, depression or unexplained pain?

Have you been using addictive behaviours of over eating, drinking too much alcohol or shopping to change the way you feel?

Does any of this sound familiar? If so, this mindfulness course if for you!

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Will Wheen
MINDFUL EATING (forthcoming workshops in March and April with Jan Eaton)

Eating is a very complex activity, and many of us have a poor relationship with food. In our busy lives we often don’t pay enough attention to the experience of eating, and this can lead to a loss of enjoyment of food, a chaotic style of eating, and over- or under-eating.

We have lost the ability to eat when we’re hungry rather than according to the clock, and to stop when we’re full. Most of us are familiar with comfort eating, of being persuaded to have another piece of cake when we don’t really want it, of being tempted to eat more than we need at a party, or of eating whilst surfing the internet or watching TV.

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Will Wheen
Breathing into wholeness

Over the years people have repeatedly asked me what happens during a breathing session. Why and how does it work? And what are the benefits of doing this work?

By writing this article I’m hoping to provide a deeper understanding to what the potential is of your breath. It’s my intention to inspire you to take a step and come and forge a deeper understanding and relationship with your breath in one of my workshops!

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Will Wheen

Steve Bonnelucq-Lane

In my Craniosacral Therapy practice, I often meet clients preparing and recovering from surgery. For 12 years, I also practiced as a Craniosacral Therapist in a hospital in Brighton where I worked alongside medically trained colleagues supporting patients post-surgery. While most people recover well, some experience a range of sensations and feelings that can be disorienting and distressing if left unresolved. Here are some common experiences I’ve encountered and a description of how I support recovery from surgery and anaesthetic with Craniosacral Therapy.

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Will Wheen
In the News!

We are happy to share that Viva Lewes, a guide to what’s what in Lewes, has chosen to dedicate a 2 page spread to The Open Door and the Clinic Manager, Will Wheen!

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Will Wheen
It's Christmas! Will you enjoy it or merely survive it?


Christmas is supposed to be a happy time, but many find it stressful. You’re expected to buy presents and special foods, to attend and host social gatherings while still doing your job, and to spend time with relatives you may not like very much. Ironically enough, those who do not experience these demands may feel neglected, useless, and lonely.

We probably can’t change the things that cause us stress, but we CAN alter our response to these stressors. You may have heard this before and that’s because it’s true! Your family members will know exactly how to ‘push your buttons’ to provoke a reaction. Do you have to follow the same old routine in response, or could you pause – for just a moment – and consider taking an alternative path?

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Will Wheen
So Look After Your Feet!


Our feet get a lot of wear and tear and seldom get much TLC for all their hard work. So this offer applies to any new client to The Open Door who books in November for either a Reflexology treatment or a Foot Massage treatment. When booking, let the receptionist know if you suffer with a specific foot problem such as plantar fasciitis (pain under the sole of the foot when weight-bearing), or pain elsewhere in the feet, numbness or tingling in the feet, or any other concerns about your feet that a GP, podiatrist or chiropodist has not been able to help you with. Sometimes complementary therapies can help where other treatments haven’t proved successful. Many of our practitioners offer a free 15 minute consultation to assess whether they may be able to help with your specific problem. So what have you got to lose! Walk your feet down Church Twitten and call in for a chat. Those may be the best steps you’ll take for a long time.

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Will Wheen
Craniosacral Therapy Awareness Week


Craniosacral Therapy is a hands-on therapy with gentle, sustained contact through the client’s clothing. Cranial work offers a way of being held that encourages feelings of safety and comfort so that physical tension, emotions and psychological states can be clarified and processed.

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New Practitioners

The Open Door is very pleased to be welcoming a number of new practitioners to its team this Autumn.

(Listed alphabetically) Martina Bador, Jo Baker Shri Dobson, Jan Eaton, Hanna Evans, Sarah Holloway, Jo Magowan, Jade Maloney, Kate Minogue, and Kate Thomson.

Read more to find out about the therapies they offer and the qualification and experience they bring.

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Will Wheen