What’s On:
Saturday 1st February 5pm (1.5 hrs, £20), Sunday 2nd February 10am (1 hr, £15) and 11am (1.5 hrs, £20)
Sound therapy can ease tension, improve sleep, bring clarity of mind, and reset and nourish the nervous system. Being bathed in the healing frequencies and vibrations of gongs, singing bowls, drums, flutes, chimes, and more is magical. Also available: fortnightly sound meditations Wednesday lunchtimes 1-2pm, 1:1s, Monthly Women's sound circles and aerial yoga \sound baths. To book 07932 682781 or email: hemasoundtherapy@gmail.com or visit: https://www.hemasoundtherapy.com
Saturday 15th February, 10am - 11.30am
Bathe in the relaxing frequencies of a selection of gongs, Tibetan bowls & angelic chimes, with mindfulness breath meditation. Monthly Saturday morning event. 1.5 hrs. Early bird £13. Donations £15 to £18. For bookings & info Tel 07383 793379 https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/the-cosmic-vibrations-of-love-gong-events-lewes-2972759: www.thecosmicvibrationsoflove.com
15th February, 12.30pm - 1.30pm. Babies welcome
Postpartum is a transformative time filled with love, yet it’s often overlooked. This workshop offers: restorative movements to build strength and insights into hormonal changes. Join a circle of like-minded mums to explore how your body functions now and gain essential tools for recovery. Prioritise you - when you’re strong, nurtured, everything follows. Clare specialises in pre/post-natal including yoga. Contact: 07854 336655 or see website for details: www.balancefromwithin.co.uk
Starting 5th March 7.15 - 8.45pm
Gather in circle with other women to share stories of where you find yourself in the world now. A chance to pause, reflect, be nourished. Let go of your everyday roles, connect with inner and outer seasons and be. Circle is a gentle holding ritual for sharing and may also include guided meditations or visualisations, creative journalling prompts, archetypal stories linked to the seasons and life stages. For more information or to book, contact: catherine@creativeconversations.co.uk
SELF CARE SUNDAY: YOGA & NIDRA - with Nazan Kaplankiran (@nazanvisions)
Sunday 9th March, from 11.30am - 1.30pm. (Also Apr 20th). £30, or £25 EARLY BIRD)
Join Nazan for a grounding Hatha style practice with breath work and organic somatic movements to support nervous system regulation, followed by a nourishing Yoga Nidra (lying down meditation). Expand your awareness through sensory exploration and deep inquiry, inspired by Nazan's journey with Fibromyalgia and sight loss. Emphasizing self-autonomy, expression and empowerment, this practice helps you feel restored and connected. Tea provided. Visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sunday-self-care-tickets-974276656707?aff=oddtdtcreator&utm_experiment=test_share_listing
Friday 21st March: 10am - 6pm, Saturday 22nd March: 10am - 6pm, Sunday 23rd March: 10am - 3pm
Three days of discovery and delight! Using exercises from Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing) and many imaginative invitations, participants will connect with their environment, honour their intuition and ignite their creative spirit. Fee: £200. For details or a conversation email: andreazygo@hotmail.co.uk. Find Andrea on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-brooks-pfhea-42489916/
PRANIC HEALING COURSE - with Patrizia Brunelli
Saturday 29th & 30th March, 10am - 5pm
A 2-day certified course: Enhance your wellbeing with this simple, no-touch energy system. Learn how to bring more vitality, happiness, spirituality, and balance into every area of your life. No prior experience needed. Contact for more details and to register: 07853 420049, email: Healthessence1@gmail.com, or visit: www.healthessence.co.uk
NEW! Yoga for Menopause - with Shelly White. Thursdays 9.45 - 11am
Beautifully nurturing yoga classes for the menopause (also wonderful for pre, peri and post menopause) to soothe the nervous system and provide rest, relaxation and connection. A mix of gentle hatha, yin & restorative yoga, with specific breathing, visualisation and meditation practices. Designed to support many of the symptoms of menopause and be easily applied to everyday life. Starts 9th January. £14 per class (or £12.50 for block bookings). For more info and to book, contact: shelly@yogaspiral.co.uk or visit: www.yogaspiral.co.uk/
NEW! Sound Healing Meditation - with Leah Star. 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month, 1 - 2pm. Starting 25th February (no class 11th March)
£10 drop in or book in advance. Simple mindfulness meditation & balancing breath and the beautiful healing frequencies of Tibetan bowls gently guide you to find a sense of self empowered peace within yourself and serenity in the face of suffering. Leah is a qualified sound practitioner & trained 30 years ago in mindfulness with the monastics and Thich Nhat Hanh in the monasteries. She brings a wealth of mindfulness experience and expertise. Book with Leah 07383793379 .leahstar.temple@gmail.com or visit www.thecosmicvibrationsoflove.com
Quiet Mind - Simple Meditation & Mindfulness for all - with Colin Willcox
1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month, 1 - 2pm. £5 drop-in. A friendly and inclusive group of all ages and experience. Our approach to inner peace and wellbeing is practical, easy to follow, and enjoyable. Through gently guided, simple and mindful meditations, we can experience the natural state of calm awareness and contentment in the present moment. With a background as an Osteopath, Naturopath and Clinical Psychologist, Colin has over 30 years experience of Meditation and Mindfulness. Contact: 07900 214259 / iamcolin55@gmail.com
Men’s Circle - with Merlin. Free intro session on Sunday 12th January 10am - 12.30pm
A rare space available in this Men’s Circle, every other Sunday, 10am - 12.30pm. A safe and supportive space for men to foster authentic connection, personal growth, and emotional resilience. Curious about what happens in a Men’s Circle? Come and experience the power of being heard, understood, and supported - no strings attached. Contact Merlin of Man.Academy: 07970 731530 www.Man.Academy/mens-circles. This is a closed group (not drop in) for a maximum of 8 men. Payment on a sliding scale. Coaching for men also available, https://www.Man.Academy/coach
Angelic Healing Meditations - with Jana Krychtalkova
Thursday evenings, 7.15 pm - 8.30pm. Meditation Courses on Thursday evenings. For more information and to reserve your place, please email jana.haniel@gmail.com or visit https://janalovinglife.com
Therapeutic Spiritual Unity - with Amadis
Fortnightly Mondays, 6.40-8.20pm. Courses of 6 classes for £60 / members £50. Focusing on the therapeutic benefits of spiritual attunement and accessing the spiritual resources of our higher self. With the unwavering support and loving guidance of our spirit, we feel held, nurtured and comforted. This helps remedy our internal psychological issues as well as meet external day-to-day difficulties with greater equanimity and sense of safety. Book with Amadis on 07941 665506, amadis@inspiritway.com, or visit www.inspiritway.com
Monthly Group Multidimensional healing sessions - with Sulinara
Free monthly Soul Community gatherings, where you can connect with spiritually like-minded people, support one another, share stories and re-connect on this path of discovery. Website to find out more healawaken.co.uk. Phone to have a conversation or email suli@healawaken.co.uk
Online Classes and Courses:
Online Loving Meditation Classes - with Jana Krychtalkova. Saturdays 11.30am - 12.45pm
Loving Life Meditation is a channelled, heart-centred meditation with a guided visualisation usually dedicated to a theme such as trust, self-love, owning your power, freedom, celebration of your uniqueness, forgiveness and abundance. No previous experience with meditation is necessary, and absolute beginners are welcome. For more information contact Jana on: 07972 900070, jana.haniel@gmail.com, www.janalovinglife.com/loving-life-meditation-on-zoom.
Soul Writing Workshops - with Dr Sarah Walton. 2nd Saturday of the month, 11am-1pm. £45 (£10 discount for Open Door clients)
Monthly Workshops are designed by Dr Sarah to support you to become grounded, joyful, connected to your authentic voice and aligned to your unique creativity - so you can get your writing - and your life - flowing. We use writing as a way to connect us to our imaginations and reconnect to ourselves. For more information visit: drsarahwalton.com, or email: - sarahsoulwriting@gmail.com
Other Events:
Somatic Experiencing Trauma Therapy: Trauma Clinic at The Open Door - With Uma Armengol
Every Thursday 2.30pm - 6.30pm. Book your 30 minute free consultation with Uma Armengol on 07494 239051 Or email: uma.traumatherapy@gmail.com. For more information visit: https://www.theopendoorlewes.com/uma-armengol-nino