Lets turn this crisis into an opportunity for something new to emerge!

We are in the process of a world crisis, which shares many of the symptoms of grief; our lives have been suddenly turned upside down in a short space of time due to COVID 19. 

These conflicting feelings can be confusing. I do have more time now but can I really admit to enjoying this extra space. How can I enjoy myself when many of us are already experiencing or are on the brink of facing immeasurable hardship? This precious commodity of time has historically felt in short supply and now I have more, BUT….. “Not like this, I hear myself say.” I have a mix of conflicting feelings and it doesn’t feel easy.

One definition of grief is that it is a mixture of feelings often in conflict with each other, “The conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in our usual patterns of behaviour.”

We have been stopped in our tracks…. not able to continue in our usual manner, the daily routines we have been used to.

This change in routine allows new feelings and thoughts to emerge and rise to the surface that have been camouflaged and hidden until now. The good news is, that past experience tells me that there is always a learning or opportunity in a crisis for each one of us. 

These opportunities are usually tucked away hidden from view at first sight…. maybe don’t look for them in your head but in your heart. What is rising to the surface? What has been uncovered and revealed in your life at this time?

LET’S TURN THIS CRISIS INTO AN OPPORTUNITY AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SOMETHING NEW TO EMERGE AND CHANGE. I imagine many of us can see MORE CLEARLY what needs to change in the NHS, the government and in others’ lives. 

Perhaps we can use this moment in time to look into our own lives?

I am working online with clients as a counsellor and coach and would like to support you to turn this crisis into a real opportunity. Please do get in touch. I’m open to finding a way to making this work for you whatever your financial situation, to help you to turn this crisis into a real opportunity for you.   

LOUISE ANDERSON  Grief Counsellor

BA(Hons) Post Grad dip Psychosynthesis MBACP

07891550196    <>

Will Wheen