Hanna Evans


Conscious Connected Breathing

There is a growing awareness and demand for breathwork as a powerful healing tool. It’s not a new technique. Breathwork has been used for millennia in yogic and meditation practices.

However, we are drawing on these methods more as we gain an increased understanding of the nature of stress, anxiety and trauma, and how emotional states can be held on to both physically and mentally if they aren’t released and discharged at the time.

Conscious Connected breathing can facilitate the release of stuck emotion. It is an abdominal circular breath technique that relaxes the diaphragm. We focus on the in-breath rather than the exhale, without resting in between. 

It helps us to move out of fight and flight, or a sympathetic nervous system response, into a more relaxed parasympathetic state where we sleep deeper, feel safer, breath more deeply, feel more grounded, relaxed, whole and at peace with ourselves.

How we breathe is a fingerprint of how we have lived our lives - if we held onto our breath when it wasn’t safe to express anger, grief, sadness or fear to a parent. If we went into freeze, fright or flight and then stored the incident away it may still be there; locked away waiting to be released.

It is a safe and very simple way to bring in much more energy and oxygen to every cell in our bodies and to facilitate a self-healing mechanism that helps us recharge on all levels of our being.

I came to breathwork after 25 years as a practicing bodyworker, acupuncturist and nutritionist. I have had a spiritual practice for just as long and practised several meditation and yoga techniques. However, a single breathwork workshop with my teacher, Alan Dolan the Breathguru, completely released the grief that had been stored away after the loss of several family members and friends. Emotion I thought I had processed was able to clear - leaving me feeling energised, positive and more whole and at peace with my life.

Since then I have completed my Breathworker Facilitation Training with Alan in in 2023 and am now supporting clients in 1:1 sessions, running small group workshops and larger group sessions online and in person. 


£85 for a 1.5 hour initial session. £65 for 1 hour follow up sessions.


To find out more or to book a session please call 07799 417924, email evans.hanna@gmail.com, or visit: www.breathinandbreathout.com