Amanda Bate
Forest & Nature Bathing Sussex
Step off the world and into the trees... Experience freedom, magic and the restorative touch of nature as Amanda (Forest & Nature Bathing Sussex) takes you on gentle, sensual, meditative and mindful journeys into the beautiful Sussex woods, meadows and beyond.
Shinrin Yoku (founded in Japan and literally translated as forest bathing) is not water bathing but bathing in the beauty and healing powers of nature. Amanda offers guidance and invitations to help you build a deep relationship with nature and to bring about feelings of calm and connection. Being outdoors, under a big sky and wandering gently among the trees, lowers blood pressure, supports mental health, reboots your whole system and ignites natural killer cells to beat infections.
She runs deep, nature immersions at Farley’s House and Gallery, Chiddingly, for both nature and art lovers. Plus, one-hour ‘nature on your doorstep’ events in the Pell’s of Lewes. And, online, ‘Green Space’ Zoom sessions to try at home or in your local park. For bespoke groups and organisations she offers access to stunning, private woodland and surrounding pastures in Sussex.
To book and find out more and to book, please visit the link, email or call Amanda:
07867800184 /