During the 20th century, a very physical approach to yoga (with the invention of many new and varied postures –  ‘asana’ in Sanskrit) enjoyed a huge surge in popularity in the West, which led many people to think of yoga as a system of exercises to tone, stretch and relax the body.

However, traditionally yoga has a much broader meaning.    Within this word ‘yoga’ lies the concept of uniting – where two or more principles are joined. For example we can work with the breath, the body and the mind – using them as tools to help us concentrate, improve the quality of our breath, and lead us to a state of physical relaxation and mental clarity.  By stilling the ‘chitter-chatter’ of the mind, we are often able to see more clearly and deal with life situations more calmly and more effectively.

The son of T Krishnamacharya, (a teacher of BK Iyengar), TKV Desikachar (1938-2016) applied the Sanskrit word 'viniyoga' (from the sage Patanjali's yoga sutra 3.6) to his teaching.  'viniyoga'  means ‘the appropriate application’ (of yoga).

In the tradition of TKV Desikachar, yoga practice is matched to the individual, respecting specific needs, condition, age and life situation.  Using the many tools of yoga, we can enable the individual to practice appropriately and safely.  Yoga is not 'one size fits all', and whilst postures can be adapted within a group class, it can be very valuable to have your own yoga practice which does indeed 'fit' you.

Notable in this tradition is:

  • our monitoring of and application of the breath – we emphasise the coordination of each movement with the appropriate inhale/exhale

  • our modification and adaptation of postures to suit the individual

  • careful sequencing of postures with appropriate, safe preparation and counter-postures.

As a yoga therapist, I don’t claim to ‘cure’ or ‘heal’ people of specific conditions.  I offer a ‘therapeutic tool kit’ – a personal yoga practice – so that people are instrumental in their own ‘healing’.  Over time, this practice can be developed to match the changing needs of the individual.

Regular practice at home can bring about transformation on many levels; your commitment will bring rewards – but it is not a quick fix!

I will support you on your yoga journey and help you to put into place a regular practice habit so that you can experience the overall sense of well-being which yoga can bring to our lives.

The fee is £40 for the initial hour and a quarter session.  I then ask people to book and commit to 3 further sessions (1 hour) at a cost of £100 for the 3 sessions- these must be taken where possible within a 3 month period.  This helps you to establish a regular practice habit.  Subsequent sessions can be booked in further blocks of 3 at the reduced rate or as required at £40 per session. 

contact Kathryn Van Howe: 07905 332 955 or kathryn@hutonthehill.co.uk

Will Wheen