Amadis Cammell
Unity Therapy
UNITY THERAPY is a way to heal our self and life by engaging with and applying our spiritual reality using the principles and practices of The Way of Unity.
Unity Therapy is a way to develop a true connection with our spiritual nature. This brings us the personal and transpersonal benefits we need and seek for. As we access our spiritual resources, we come to know a genuine inner safety, stability and integrity as well as a growing sense of oneness, wholeness and wellness.
Attunement and engagement with our ‘authentic self’, facilitates a deepening alignment whereby it increasingly becomes our inner therapist, mentor, and guide. It becomes our refuge and source of insight, comfort and calmness. We feel met, supported, nurtured and valued from deep within which strengthens and calms us, enabling us to overcome all sorts of difficulties, to remedy our personal pain and heal deep historical wounds.
Unity Therapy is the therapeutic application of the Way of Unity in everyday life. The sessions provide a safe space where you can face and address with both your inner and outer issues. By finding the inner sanctuary and spiritual resources we are all in need of, we can relax, open up, let go and grow. We feel safe enough to touch into and heal our psychological wounds, so remedy ongoing personal issues and manage the difficulties we’re facing in our life.
In effect, by cultivating a core-centred unity within ourselves brings us greater harmony, beauty and even inner joy. When we no longer feel separate and isolated, we can experience a sense of an ongoing support, ever-present love and at-one-ment with life. Unity Therapy is based on the accessible and applicable, yet profound, psycho-spiritual system I learned from Chan my teacher of 20 years. It is also infused with teachings from a number of holistic therapeutic and psychological trainings.
For more on these please see the Inspirit Way Therapy entry in my profile.
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To contact or book an initial free consultation with Amadis contact: or 07941 665506