Amadis Cammell

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Inspirit Way Psychotherapy - an integral vision

Inspirit Way Therapy is an integral vision of how to work with people on a deep level. It is made up of several components, each essential to how it works. To work holistically we need to engage with every part of ourselves, not just one or two. So integral psychotherapy is about the inclusion of all we are. Only then can we become autonomous adults, able to realise and actualise our authentic self.

In dealing with our psychology, we need to fully include our ethereal as well as our corporeal aspects. Hence looking into our spiritual and animal nature is in the forefront. This is not a mere reference to them, rather an active involvement of our spirit and body. We are healed and transformed precisely because we include our spirituality and physicality when dealing with our personality.

Through a fusion of body-centred, relational and transpersonal therapeutic methods we can resolve our ‘inner child’ pain as well as heal our ‘core’ wounds. On the one hand, connecting with our organism helps us access our hidden emotions and buried pain. On the other, through heart-centred intimacy with our ‘higher’ self, we gain access to all its spiritual resources. 

The challenge with therapy, as well as spirituality, is to go beyond our conditioning. To realise who we truly are, it is imperative we release ourselves from the negative beliefs that stem from the indoctrination and trauma in our childhood. To have any possibility of managing this, we need to fully understand and deal with the legacy of our upbringing and how it has impacted on all our facets. If we focus solely on our mental resources we miss out on the enormous potential of the rest of our being.

By being integral, this therapy has psychosomatic, psychotherapeutic and spiritual applications. It is what makes it practical and effective in addressing psychological issues and meeting daily challenges. By working on the physical we are revitalised, on the personal we are integrated, and the transpersonal we are inspirited. When our personal issues are healed whilst our pristine inner nature is revealed, we learn to live our life in a way that can bring increasing wholeness and wellness.

To accomplish such a holistic vision Inspirit Way Therapy uses three modes that work in a synergistic way. Together they create a coherent approach which touches all who we are. Their unified whole is greater than the sum of their parts – making it a truly integral system. By working in a cohesive way with the full spectrum of our psyche, ego and soma, lasting positive outcomes are possible. Vital Energetics deal with the corporeal, Integral Dynamics with the personal and Core Resources with the spiritual.

Energetics work predominantly to invigorate, loosen, relax and comfort our body. Working on a physical level helps establish the foundation of a grounded and secure sense of self. It also contributes to healing psychosomatic conditions thus promoting health, vitality and in turn wellness. 

Dynamics address personal issues by unlocking the unconscious elements of our psychological patterns. The defensive and masked layers of our personality are gently dismantled, enabling us to find our authentic self. These integral dynamics reach deep inside to remedy the entangled outrage, hurt and confusion of ourinner child’. By bringing light to our ‘shadow’, deep transformation is possible.

Resources continue the process of self-enquiry and core integration. By engaging with our essential nature, heart feelings and spiritual consciousness, we progressively awaken all of our potential. This process leads to both deep psychological healing and self-realisation. 

“As a therapy practitioner, my practice has deepened in the work I do because of the teachings I have acquired from Amadis which has taken me on a personal and spiritual journey over 8 years, giving me the professional tools to help in a world that so needs healing. My confidence has extended that as a human being, I have faced the fears which once prevented me from becoming who I really am.” Lynn M, Bristol

“My experience of therapy with Amadis has been very positive. He has strong interpersonal skills, a thorough knowledge of differing approaches and extensive experience in treatment, which I found allowed me to trust in him and our approach to exploring my issues. I found this an effective way to work on issues concerning me. Expressing ideas or thoughts through the body engaged me more directly with my emotion. This is not to say that there was no discussion or analysis. This combination of body work and analysis was a powerful approach for me which really helped me to explore issues and find practical ways to manage them. Obviously, everybody has different needs, however, if you feel wary or frustrated by more traditional analytical talking therapies, I recommend trying the approach used by Amadis. I have found it effective, useful and powerful.” Lewis, Brighton

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You can contact Amadis on or 07941 665506